Video Tutorial for Reclaimed Wood Bakery Stenciled Sign
For this project we show you how to transform planks of reclaimed wood into a handmade, stenciled bakery sign with that antique farmhouse style. All of the tools used in this tutorial are linked below and can be found here.
Bakery Sign Craft Stencil
Repositionable Spray Adhesive
Americana Black Acrylic Paint
Stencil Brush
Frog Tape Painter's Tape
The first thing you'll want to do is to craft your wood sign. Get some planks of reclaimed wood that are roughly the same length and width. Lay these planks together and cut an another plank of wood in half. Lay these two cut piece of wood across the back and hammer finishing nails through the back into the planks that will be the front of your sign. Be sure that you don't hammer the nails all the way through your sign. Once the nails stick into the plank, hammer the backs of the nails sideways. Flip the sign over then sand using fine grit sandpaper on the front and edges before stenciling. This will help to give the surface legs so that paint will stick better.
After sanding, wipe off any dust then spray repositionable spray adhesive on the back of your stencil. Wait 30-60 seconds before pressing it to the center of your project. After waiting, press the stencil to the center of the sign being sure that all of the stencil details are lying flat to the surface. Once in place, use Frog Tape painter's tape around the edges to mask off the design from the project.
Now get some black Americana Acrylic Paint and put a bit onto a paper plate. Swirl the paint into the bristles of your stencil brush, then dry the bristles on a piece of paper towel. The paint brush should feel dry to the touch. Gently swirl the brush through the holes in the design being sure that the paint is being applied in a very light coat. To stencil correctly you need to use the dry brush technique and build up the color in several light coats.
Once it starts to get hard to stencil paint onto the design, swirl some more Americana Acrylic Paint into your stencil brush then dry the bristles off onto paper towel. Anytime you need more paint be sure that you dry the bristles off before swirling it through the stencil design. To completely color between the spaces in the stencils you will want to stencil directly onto the edges of the design. The Repositionable Spray Adhesive should hold the stencil in place.
Once you have full coverage, gently peel back your stencil to reveal the pattern beneath. If anywhere looks like it could use more paint then reapply to stencil back over the design and continue stenciling. Otherwise, peel off the stencil. For the last step we nailed a small piece of wood with a 45 degree angle cut into the top at a kickstand to hold up the sign. That's all there is to it!